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printf打印数组plaintiff是什么意思plaintiff是什么意思中文according to the plaintiffprintify是干啥的 词序词典网为您提供plaintiff是什么意思,plaintiff的用法,plaintiff的词性,plaintiff的词根,plaintiff短语搭配,plaintiff双语例句等服务,让...


词根:plain, plaint = beat打, to beat the breast捶胸:来源于拉丁语 plangere,过去分词是planctus意思是“打,捶胸”,plaint为 plain的变体;有异形同义 quword 趣词 Word Roots Dict

ci gen : p l a i n , p l a i n t = b e a t da , t o b e a t t h e b r e a s t chui xiong : lai yuan yu la ding yu p l a n g e r e , guo qu fen ci shi p l a n c t u s yi si shi “ da , chui xiong ” , p l a i n t wei p l a i n de bian ti ; you yi xing tong yi q u w o r d qu ci W o r d R o o t s D i c t . . .

学习英语网为大家提供plaintive的词根词缀,plaintive的同根词等英语单词的在线查询服务 plaintiff n. 原告 plaint 捶胸,引申为“抱怨” + iff表名词 →原告 plaintive adj. 痛苦的,伤心

plaintive a.痛苦的,伤心的(plaint+ive) plaintiff n.原告(plaint+iff表名词,如:t quword 趣词 Word Roots Dictionary 词根:plaint= complain, 表示“抱

爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供plaintiff的中文意思,plaintiff的用法讲解,plaintiff的读音,pla 词根词缀 =complain,表示 抱怨 adj. plaintive 可怜的,伤心的 plaint抱怨+ive……的→adj.

词根助记:complaint : com全部+plaint→对全部东西抱怨 同根词 complain | plaintiff | plaint | plaintive | complaint | complainant | complain com全部+plaint→对全部东西抱怨 释义:

1. The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited. 原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The burden of


词根plain, plaint= to beat the breast捶胸 ,引申为“抱怨” 1plain [kmplen] v. 抱怨 (c Both the plaintiff and the defendant have the


plaintiff n 原告(plaint+iff表名词,如:tariff关税) palaint n 悲叹complaint n抱怨(com全部+plaint=对全部东西抱怨) complaisant = a.讨好的(com

单词 plaintiff词根词缀分解: plaint捶胸,引申为“抱怨” + iff表名词 →原告 单词释义 n. 律 原告; Davy: I suppose that means the defendant paying the plaintiff money, if the plaintiff w

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《plaintiff词根cc》